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Obaruwa Festival: Prince Babatunde Adekunle Sokoya Felicitates With Oba Ewusi, Makun Indigenes



A royal son from Makun community, Prince Babatunde Adekunle Sokoya otherwise known as Omo Eleshin Meje, has felicitated with the Ewusi of Makun Kingdom, HRM Oba Akinsanya Timothy, Orungba 2, and the entire Makun community on the occasion of the 2024 Obaruwa Festival, 26th Edition.

Prince Adekunle congratulated the Ewusi, his chiefs, the Ewusi-in-Council, Obaruwa Festival Committee and the residents of the town urging all to be peaceful and remain law abiding.

Babatunde Adekunle assured that although the present situation of the country is not encouraging, he will continue to support the Makun community.

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He observed that celebration of Obaruwa Festival is now more of culture and tradition beyond idol worship.

He reminded people that Obaruwa will soon become a World Heritage Site like other places around the World.

According to Prince Adekunle, the Obaruwa will soon be generating revenue for Makun as tourists troop in from around the World not to worship anything but to appreciate the Wonders of Culture And Tradition.

Prince Adekunle however charged the celebrators, worshippers and residents to celebrate the festival with modesty and the sense of dignity the Makun Obaruwa people are known for.