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Oyo State Risks Outbreak Of Deadly Zoonotic Diseases As Pharmacies Now Treat Animal Patients In Human Facilities, Barbeque Spots



Reports has it that the new trend in the pharmaceutical outlets around Oyo state, especially Ibadan in particular; where of treatment of Animal patients is done in human pharmaceutical facilities and barbeque spots.

This is coming at a time when the world is still struggling with the aftereffects of COVID-19 and the West Africa sub-region is making efforts managing Anthrax disease, both which are diseases of animal origin.

Villamond Investment: Crown Ville Estate

Villamond Investment: Crown Ville Estate

Asides from this being far from the internationally acceptable best practice, we are not sure any serious government will approve such practice within her vicinity which makes such illegal and technically, a quack practice.

Efforts which are yet to yield results are still being made to get statements from the state.

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Effort to reach the ministry of Agric and Rural Development, Director of Veterinary Services or ministry of health on this unprecedented practice proved abortive as at time of this publication.

Watch the videos taken at Finrel and Semat Pharmacy, which are a big name in community pharmacy in Ibadan.

Villamond Investment: Crown Ville Estate

Villamond Investment: Crown Ville Estate

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