Renowned community leader and youth advocate, Seun Agabi, has expressed heartfelt congratulations to the newly inaugurated Executive Chairman of Remo North Local Government, alongside the elected...
In a move that is set to shake up the political landscape of Ishara Remo North Constituency, Oyesanya Oluseun Samuel, popularly known as AGABI, has declared...
“A new era of transparency and inclusive leadership for Remo North”, says Awonusi Kehinde Oluwadamilare In a bold move, Comrade Awonusi Kehinde Oluwadamilare (KENTEEJAY) has formally...
In a press statement released as signed by the Ode Remo youths and observed by The Eaglesforesight, there was displeasures in Remo over the Sagamu-Iperu-Ode road...
An online group named Remo Parliament in Ogun State whose target was to raise one million naira has raised over three million naira (N3,000,000.00) as an...
The second phase of free medical outreach facilitated by Rep Adewunmi Oriyomi Onanuga-IJAYA for the people of her Constituency ended on Wednesday at Ogijo in Sagamu...