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OGHA 10th Legislature: Full Text Of Hon. Damilare Muhammad Bello, Sagamu Constituency 1 Inaugural Speech



In a full texts inaugural speech, which has been observed by our correspondent, the Honourable member elect to represent offin, Sagamu Constituency 1, at the Ogun State House of Assembly at the 10th legislature, Omooba Damilare Muhammad Bello in his written intended inaugural address speech, assured the people of his Constituency of dividends of democracy.

The inauguration day which was scheduled to have been holds on Tuesday, 13th of June was later postponed to June 20th, Tuesday with reasons yet to be known to the public.

Below read the full text:

“It is with a deep sense of honour, humility, and with gratitude to God that I want to express my sincere appreciation to my parents, family and friends home and abroad for this confidence you have reposed in me and for this huge responsibility you have thrust on me.

“May I also express my thanks to my Party, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, for providing us with the platform to come to the state’s hallow chamber, to my constituents, the great people of Offin Sagamu constituency , I thank you for sending me on this huge errand.”

“To all our TEAM DRE and all those, too many to mention, who played a role one way or the other for this day to come, my sincere appreciation.”

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“To the media, professional journalists, bloggers, prints and electronic media and those who report or work in our favour during the campaign and election proper we are most grateful for your support.”

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“This victory is for all US’ Sagamites.”

“I personally salute the doggedness and service of my principal Hon. Oladipupo Adebutu, who
fought through tooth and nail to bring liberation to the gateway state. I pray all end in praise. Itura ma to de!”

“I have come with the word of assurance that; I Omo Oba Damilare Mohammed Bello together we will heal the wounds and divisions we are currently experiencing in Sagamu community. I am elected based on the trust you have bestowed upon me, indeed a wonderful honour and privilege to be entrusted with such a great
responsibility and opportunity by you which I will never take for granted, together we shall work to deliver good legislation and good government to our people.”

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“I wish to use this opportunity to formally appreciate our monarchs our traditional rulers our opinion leaders, community leaders and those who formed the Offin constituency as whole. Thank you for your presence.”

“My resolution as a member of Ogun state house of Assembly is house to assert the independence of the legislature as a co-equal arm of government.”

“The onerous task of governance begins. I plead with all the supporters of both camps in this election to quickly bury the hatchet and forge a united front to tackle the myriads of problems facing the nation.”

“I thank you all and may God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria”.

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