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Never Plan To Depend On Your Kids When You Grow Old — Dr Adedara Oduguwa



Dear Parents, Children are legacies not Lottery. They are gifts from God and not money-minting technology. The money you spent in raising and educating them is not ‘investment fund’ but ‘necessity fund’.

The process, of course is investment, while the return on investment is their success and ability to take care of themselves, not you.

If they are ever able to give back to you, that’s a plus. Don’t have the inordinate mentality that after your numerous spending, they must give you heaven and earth. What if they don’t have or die prematurely?

You have to learn to prepare your own future. As you raise your kids, raise your pension funds. It could be physical cash, assets cash and or emotional cash.

Which ever cash you have in mind, don’t forget yourself while raising your wards. Raise yourself and depend only on God.

Never plan to depend on your kids when you grow old, if you don’t want to be frustrated. You can depend on your life’s pension and God. While you could get extra from your kids.

Your friend,

Image source: VeryWellMind

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