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Are You Looking For A Digital Business Idea To Boost Your Income?



By the time you finish reading this post, you will be enlightened as to four different kinds of digital businesses one can venture into.

Carefully study these below and thank me later

1. E-com commerce:

E-commerce simply means buying physical products at a cheaper rate and selling at a higher rate

There are several products you can import from other countries and sell at a higher price

but then you must have a test run of the product in the Nigeria Market before placing an order in bulk

2. Drop shipping: This is one of the sweetest online businesses I admire a lot

Do you know why?

You have less work to do.

It is also related to E-commerce but the good thing is that you don’t have to handle the logistics involved

Drop shipping is simply acting as a middleman between the seller and a buyer

Let’s say for example if a product is sold for $5, you can sell the product for $10

The product would be shipped to the buyer by the seller while you get paid your added amount

Interesting right? All you need to do is recommend a selling product online and make your raba

3. Information Marketing: This kind of online business is where by you sell a solution to people online

Let’s say you know an easy route how to relocate to a foreign country

You can easily compile the information in form of an ebook or Video course and sell it to the Public

4. Real estate Marketing: This is the kind of business whereby you sell properties that belong to a real estate company to earn a certain commission

5. Affiliate Marketing: This is one of the easiest online digital skills you can venture into as it requires less capital to start

Affiliate Marketing simply means selling someone else’s product to earn a commission

You don’t have to own a product all you need to do is register under a company that runs affiliates and get paid by promoting their product

We have three kinds of Affiliates marketing but time won’t permit me to start stating them here

If you really want to know more about these aforementioned businesses

Kindly click the link below to register for my FREE online training which is scheduled to hold via Whatsapp for 8 days

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