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Yoruba Nation: Reason For Contentions Between Chief Sunday Igboho And Aare Gani Adams



Yoruba Nation: Reason For Contentions Between Chief Sunday Igboho And Aare Gani Adams

Mistrust And Ego Play Among Yoruba Caused Contentions Between Chief Sunday Igboho And Aare Gani Adams

Let me start this piece by commending the boldness of some Comrades for speaking the truth to power. Today in Nigeria, it is very rare to see activists who can take the bull by the horn and call a spade a spade.

One, that he suspects a foul play in the shocking and sudden death of the former Chief of Army Staff, Late General Attahiru Ibrahim in a plane crash, may not be far from the truth.

Also, I concur with the opinion that General Attahiru Ibrahim’s three weeks in office as Chief of Army staff calmed the nerves of many Nigerians on the rising surge of insecurity all over the land because we saw a decline in the waves of armed bandits. The Boko Haram military operations in most part of the north east was pushed back within those three weeks of active duty.

Suffice to say that we cannot rule out the fingers of fifth columnist (“ejo lowo ninu”) in the shocking and painful death of General Attahiru Ibrahim in a plane crash.

The question is, who killed General Attahiru Ibrahim and his wife in a time that the country is in dire need of purposeful and strong military leader?

Yes, President Mohammed Buhari’s Administration has a question to answer.

Again, who killed General Attahiru Ibrahim and his wife?

Furthermore, Comrade Akinpelu’s opinion on the power struggle between Aare Gani Adams and Chief Sunday Igboho is a strong testimony to the fact that our self determination movement is not cohesive and strong enough to defend our lands.

Yes, a lot of mistrust and ego play among Yoruba leaders. “A house that is divided against itself cannot stand”.

Moreover, there is no doubt that there is a personality clash between Chief Sunday Igboho and Aare Gani Adams. The issue of personality clash is normal in human behaviors.

Moreover, the exigency of time gave rise to the leadership of Chief Sunday Igboho and the fact that Chief Sunday Igboho’s popularity at a point was surging more than that of the generalissimo of Yoruba army, Chief Gani Adams, there is bound to be a personality clash.

The question is, how do you manage this type of personality clash in view of the fact that they are both fighting for the same cause?

It is an established fact that the title of Aare Ona kankanfo is traditional and spiritual. “Bi Oba Kan oku, oba kan o leje”. You cannot replace a living king except he dies or he is being banished by the people from the society; and if any of these has not occurred, Chief Sunday Igboho or anybody cannot replace Chief Gani Adams. Lobatan!

In fact, Chief Sunday Igboho and his soldiers by Yoruba custom and tradition are under the leadership of Aare Ona Kankanfo of Yoruba land. It is all about the office and it deserves all honor and respect without prejudice.

However, Aare Ona kankanfo should not see any military action that Chief Sunday Adeyemo Igboho is taking towards the emancipation of Yoruba nation as a threat to his highly exalted office. We are all in this struggle together and we must work together and appreciate each other’s efforts with love.

The need to desist from fanning the embers of discord and hatred in the media cannot be overemphasized.

We all must understand that we are in a war against the marauders and we must all be seen to be united.

In the final analysis, I am praying and hoping for a synergy among every self determination movement in Yoruba land because without a strong synergy I doubt if we can ever get to the promised land.

Oodua Agbe wa o!

Only time will tell.

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