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Understanding President Muhammadu Buhari And The Bandwagon System Of Globalization



This writing views that majority of Nigerians do not understand the role of Globalization Policy that has been shaping the global Political, Economic and Social wellbeing of the human family. From 1984 to 1986 that Major General Muhammad Buhari served as Military Head of State, the world population was less than 4B and Nigeria’s population was less than 100M then. So, the global economic interplay was trade by barter. This means that when Nigeria sold its crude oil; in return the money was diverted to purchase products or what was then known as “essential commodities” like sugar, milk, rice, cement, cars, military hardware and such.

By 1986 to the early 1990s, the world had changed politically, economically and socially and the theory of “Globalization Policy” had been installed based on three key elements and principles; Democratization, Global Economic Integration and Multiculturalism.

*1. Democracy as a way of Governance

This writing has said it several times that since the inception of human being on this planet; leadership has become an imperative part of human existence for the fact that laws have to be formulated by the leadership for the led to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. As Aristotle remarked; had it been that human being is a perfect creature that knows what is right and what is wrong there would be no need for Laws and States. This means that creating states and nations based on boundaries (in the past 500 years British Colonial Masters created countries and boundaries around the the world) and instilling leadership of each nation, is an imperative part of human existence.

England colonized about 54 nations around the world, including the current global super power the USA and the second most populous nation in the world that is India. Nigeria was also a British colony and one of the most beautiful and 7th most populous nation in the world.

In global’s governance today, majority of nations chose the democratic system because it seems to be the system that gives freedom and human rights to the people. There are different types of democratic systems; Social Democracy, Liberal Democracy and Direct Democracy, and these three systems are the most adoptable in today’s world. Nigeria has been operating “Liberal Democracy” for the past 22 years.

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* 2. Global Economic Integration

Economy is the pillar of the world. Economy is the live wire of the world. Viable Economy is what allows a country/society to live in peace and stability. Japan, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Brazil, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia and many global economic emerging nations are all excellent examples (not to mention the northern part of the world). Nigeria is not amongst 30 global economic emerging nations (in UN Human Development Index, Nigeria is still the 145th out of about 197 nations) because of the huge unproductive population, conflicts, bad governance, trapped resources, massive corruption, egocentric tendencies of leadership and lack of what we call in Political Strategy “Serialized strategic planning based on the calendar time-frame”.

Global economy has been integrated under the USA’s Dollar as a king. And the control of the economy is under the World Bank/IMF and World Trade Organization. Each country’s economic development depends on its competitiveness in the productions of goods and services.

Factually speaking, industrialization of the nation is the key to economic prosperity. Each country’s GDP are measured and the more the productions, the more the strength of the country’s economy. For example, the world’s strongest economy is the USA that has 26percent of global economic interplay. The Chinese are trailing USA with 5.7percent; hence, the G7 Nations contribute 80percent of global economic interplay (USA, Germany, Japan, British, France, Canada and Italy) but African nations contribute less than 2percent of global economic interplay.

*3. Multiculturalism

To be continued inshaAllah

Abbati Bako,psc,bsis,Kent,UK

Political Strategy and Communication Consultant and Special Adviser to the Governor of Kano State on Public Affairs

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