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When the news first got to me last night, I didn’t believe it. I thought it was just the usual trend pasted. For me to be sure about it after I heard the unprecedented news, I decided to surf. I decided to keep the night busy surfing. While doing that something popped up, it was SPN. I check my WhatsApp and saw the news that “Comrade omomeewa had gone to the oblivion”

“Oblivion?” I asked myself that late hour, around 12:30pm. I started going through the social media that late hour, reading all the post, comments of friends and comrades, who have written briefly about Yusuf Omomeewa. One among the post said, he was shot on his way to a panel. He was killed when he was on the verge of unveiling certain things. 

Immediately, I read this, I went cold in me. My nerves started vibrating. My head acne. I was shock and don’t know what to say. A lot of thoughts started jumping in and out of my head that I started remembering the past. It was unbelievable, I must say. In fact, I got a call from a comrade who called that late hour to verified what he also read on social media.  

I must say it was a terrible thing to hear. It is something that hits the skull of us like a bullet that pierce the head of a cork. For everyone who have come across this man, this comrade, this brother and this dude in political struggle and in personal life, will agree with me that he has some qualities as an individual and as a socialist activist before this unprecedented night seizure. 

For the record, when I visited Lagos State University for a programme under the aegis of Education Right Campaign years ago.  

We had quality conversations about the developments in the campus and state of things. That was years ago before he graduated from LASU and in between when he started having issues with the management over the abuse on democratic rights, increment in school fee and other related academic matters that are linked to the politics of the school against students rights  from working-class homes.

He was confident and vibrant. I remember when I attended LASU for an event to represent the then ERC in a programme, he was in part four. He spoke at that meeting and urged students to always stand for what is rights against policies that are anti-students. Not only once, but several visitations I made when I went there under the aegis of ERC before the earth cracked opened few years ago and the ship sailed.

His death says a lot about the politics in campus. It speaks on what is not possible and what is possible. It dust the archive of saying that when the resolved is to fry the chick when it is alive without peeling the feathers off; the unexpected will take place: day or night. It will also confirm what is possible and at what length anything is possible can be effected without any consequences. 

I must say his death is not accidental. It raises a lot of questions around the background of his socialist activism, his ideas and what he stood for in LASU.

Before his final year exam, which he had to fought his way through to write his final year papers in spite of the school management heavy weight on him. He remain consistency in what he believe his right and on the idea of socialism, which also harmonized his consciousness to see the holes in the whole. 

Above all, his graduation was also conditional, which led why he had to appeared at the last LASU panel before he was fried alive in the middle of the night like a piss of hot dog. He wasn’t yet cleared to go for service because of his political activism, according to the background of his struggle in LASU. 

This is one method school management as mouth piece of the capitalist government also put in place to victimize students. 

The death of Yusuf Omomeewa is a terrible one especially to his family, his newly wedded partner and to all his friends and comrades. In between his aspiration in life to become what he choose to become and followed it meticulously by dedicating his life into. He was cut in between all that by those cadavers, who felt he was a threat most especially the ideas of socialism he represent. 

An idea that remain the only alternative to replace capitalism. An idea that is scientific, an idea that is the locomotives of history and the material science the working masses, students and working-class youth need to transform society from the shackles of oppression we face every day of our lives. 

Without organise society, freedom in campuses and society at large won’t be guaranteed. No matter how bourgeois democracy is refined and reform. 

His death speaks more. And as the day goes by, the logical truth behind his death, hacked down in the middle of the night, shall be reveal politically and clearly. Above all, he lived a life that was promising, sound and committed. Let his memory live on in the lip of Aluta! For the Continua can only died if the Aluta slide away. 


COPYRIGHT: Davy-novich Fidel

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