Nigeria has been thrown into mourning as Rt. Hon. Adewunmi Onanuga Oriyomi, fondly known as “Ijaya,” passed away at the age of 59. The Deputy Chief...
Ikenne, Ogun State – The Mudashiru Ridwan Foundation is set to make a significant impact this Saturday, November 23, 2024, as it hosts an engaging and...
An Ogun State chieftain of the All Progressives Congress, Akintunde Armstrong has debunked report that he is imposing councillorship candidates for Iperu Ward 3 and 5...
An online group named Remo Parliament in Ogun State whose target was to raise one million naira has raised over three million naira (N3,000,000.00) as an...
The second phase of free medical outreach facilitated by Rep Adewunmi Oriyomi Onanuga-IJAYA for the people of her Constituency ended on Wednesday at Ogijo in Sagamu...