The Akarigbo and Paramount Ruler of Remoland, Oba (Dr.) Babatunde Adewale Ajayi, ina groundbreaking celebration of heritage and artistry, has officially inaugurated the maiden Remo Day...
Dr. Oladunni Olayinka, the Olu of Oke Ariko Sagamu, has rejoiced with the Akarigbo and Paramount Ruler of Remoland, His Royal Majesty, Oba Babatunde Ajayi, other...
In Ile-Ife, the people of Iremo Quarters also extensively known as Remo, Obamakin Osangangan, son of Oraife was the one who historically founded Ile Ife welcomed...
Sagamu, Ogun State – In a remarkable display of maturity and community spirit, the youth of Sagamu have taken the lead in ensuring that the August...
The culinary landscape of Sagamu is set to experience a delightful transformation with the grand opening of OTP Kitchen Orisunbare Total Package on August 9, 2024....
The Seriki Hausa community of Sagamu, Alhaji Inuwa Garba Sarki, has assured the community of his total supports and cooperations in securing Sagamu against the planned...
Sagamu Remo a home of peace and love that use to accommodate visitors for settlement has now suddenly become a home of fear and unrest. In...
The Ogun State People’s Democratic Party Governorship Candidate, Honourable Adebutu Oladipupo has donated the total sum of twenty million Naira as his part of contribution to...
The newly Assembly Member-Elect of Sagamu Constituency 1 that will be representing the good people of Offin at the Ogun State House of Assembly under the...
It was reported that the newly transferred Business Manager to Sagamu IBEDC, Mr Brume had instructed the staffs to remove the transformers’ fuses in many streets...