The Inspector-General of Police, Usman Baba, has accused politicians and other prominent personalities of being behind the recent attacks on the officers of the Independent National...
In its meeting with the state youth leader of PDP in Ogun state, Oyejide Sunkanmi (SUCO) yesterday, ‘All Tricycle Support Group’ has chided the Ogun State...
Former DMW signee, Yonda has appealed to music executive Davido to forgive him for his misdeeds, a year after his controversial statement on his Ex-Boss’ rift...
Former presidential candidate of the African Democratic Congress, ADC, Kingsley Moghalu, has said illiteracy and poverty will have an influence on the outcome of the forthcoming...
The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has said that it recovered over 30 billion naira out of the 109 billion naira alleged to have been...
Drama ensued, Thursday, when a Kano State Upper Sharia Court sentenced an Islamic cleric, Abduljabbar Kabara, to death by hanging after he was found guilty of...
The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Atiku Abubakar has called for the support of the South-East, saying he is the region’s surest route...
The major opposition party in Ogun State, People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has shown their displeasure over the Ogun State government for delaying the workers salary in...
The Minister of Finance, Budget, and National Planning, Zainab Ahmed, has revealed that the Federal Government is owed approximately N5.2 trillion in debts. Ahmed who stated...
The People’s Democratic Parties House Of Representatives Candidate that covered Remo Federal Constituency, Asiwaju Bolarinwa Adekunbi Oluwole fondly called ’ABO’ has bagged another award today. According...