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Nigeria At 64: Dr. Oyenuga Adeshola Jasper Pledges Hope, Vows To Unseat Ruling Party In Sagamu To Bring Democracy



Graphic Image of Jasper and Fish

As Nigeria celebrates her 64th Independence Day, Dr. Oyenuga Adeshola Jamiu Jasper, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chairmanship candidate for Sagamu, delivered a stirring message filled with hope, pledging to usher in a new era of leadership that will prioritize the welfare of the people. In his powerful address to Sagamu residents, Dr. Oyenuga assured them that change is on the horizon and promised to unseat the ruling party in the upcoming Local Government Chairmanship elections to finally deliver the dividends of democracy long awaited by the community.

In his speech, Dr. Oyenuga acknowledged the challenges the people of Sagamu have faced under the current administration, citing a lack of development, poor infrastructure, and unfulfilled promises as reasons for the growing dissatisfaction among the electorate. He noted that for too long, the ruling party has failed to provide the people with the quality of life they deserve, and the time for transformative leadership has arrived.

“We stand at a critical juncture in Sagamu’s history,” Dr. Oyenuga said. “For 64 years, our country has survived, but it is time that Sagamu truly thrives. The promises of democracy — better roads, improved healthcare, youth empowerment, and economic prosperity — must no longer be words we hear during election campaigns but actions that uplift the lives of every man, woman, and child in this great town.”

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A Vision for Real Change

Dr. Oyenuga laid out a comprehensive and actionable plan to bring Sagamu into a new age of growth and prosperity. He promised to focus on job creation, youth empowerment, and transparent governance, adding that his administration would prioritize grassroots development by ensuring every community in Sagamu feels the positive impact of local government policies.

One of the key pillars of his agenda is to tackle unemployment, especially among the youths. Dr. Oyenuga spoke passionately about creating sustainable jobs through public-private partnerships and supporting small businesses, which he believes are the backbone of the local economy. He also emphasized the importance of education and vocational training for Sagamu’s youth, vowing to equip them with the skills needed to succeed in today’s competitive job market.

“The potential of our young people is our greatest asset,” he said. “We must invest in their future by providing opportunities for education, skills development, and meaningful employment. It is time to empower the next generation of leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs right here in Sagamu.”

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Accountability and Good Governance

Dr. Oyenuga’s message was not just about promises; he emphasized the importance of accountability and transparent governance, something he says has been sorely lacking under the current administration. He pledged to run an open government, where the people of Sagamu will have a say in decisions that affect their lives. He highlighted his plans to establish regular town hall meetings and open forums where citizens can directly engage with their leaders, ensuring that the needs of the people are heard and acted upon.

“The era of leaders making decisions behind closed doors without the input of the people is over,” he declared. “Under my leadership, every decision made will be in the best interest of the people of Sagamu, and you will have the opportunity to hold us accountable every step of the way.”

An Optimistic Future

Dr. Oyenuga concluded his Independence Day address with a message of hope, encouraging the people of Sagamu to believe in the possibility of a better future. He urged them to come together, united in their desire for change, and to make their voices heard at the polls.

“Together, we can chart a new course for Sagamu. The power to create a better future lies in our hands, and I believe that with your support, we can unseat the ruling party and bring about the change that our people so desperately need. Let’s take this opportunity to build a Sagamu that works for everyone.”

As the Local Government Chairmanship elections draw near, Dr. Oyenuga’s message of hope, empowerment, and accountability has resonated deeply with Sagamu’s electorate, many of whom are eager for a fresh start. His vision for a transformed Sagamu offers a beacon of hope for those who have long felt left behind by the ruling party’s policies.

With a strong platform built on achievable goals and a commitment to real democracy, Dr. Oyenuga Adeshola Jasper and Engineer Olatunji Odunayo Minirudeen are positioning themselves as the candidates who can deliver meaningful progress for Sagamu’s people and pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous future.