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Labour Party Chairmanship Candidate, Comrade Arikewuyo, Unveils Sagamu Youth Day T-Shirt, Pledges Support For Youth Empowerment



The Labour Party Chairmanship candidate for Sagamu’s upcoming Local Government election, Comrade Ismail Arikewuyo, has unveiled the official T-shirt for Sagamu Youth Day, coinciding with the inauguration of new executives.

The event, held in anticipation of the November 16, 2024 election, showcased Arikewuyo’s commitment to youth engagement and inclusivity in governance.

In his address, Comrade Arikewuyo praised the committee’s diligent efforts in organizing the event, which brought together a diverse array of stakeholders. He stated, “It is a privilege to stand before you as a representative of the growing movement for youth involvement in governance. This T-shirt symbolizes our shared vision for a future where no one is left behind.”

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Arikewuyo, a dynamic young leader, reaffirmed his belief in the potential of Sagamu’s youth, emphasizing the importance of the “Not Too Young to Run” campaign in opening the door for greater participation by young Nigerians. He expressed confidence in the newly inaugurated executives, urging them to build on the momentum of the movement, and pledged his ongoing support for youth development.

“We must prioritize unity and collective progress,” he said.

“Our diversity should be seen as a strength, and I will work tirelessly to ensure that the dreams and aspirations of Sagamu’s youth are realized. Together, we can create pathways for education, employment, and entrepreneurship, empowering the next generation to become leaders and agents of change.”

Arikewuyo concluded by calling for solidarity among Sagamu’s youth, as he encouraged them to play active roles in shaping the future of their community. “We are the leaders we’ve been waiting for. Let’s unite and build a vibrant, inclusive, and prosperous Sagamu for all,” he said.