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Internet Never Forgets: Report On DSS Grilling Ogun SSG Not Conjured — Daud Olatunji



Daud Olatunji
Daud Olatunji

In the face of relentless pressure from various quarters, urging me to present ‘my side of the story,’ Daud Olatunji  said; “I find it imperative to address the relentless deluge of unfounded accusations disseminated by officials of the Ogun State government regarding my report on August 5, featuring the Secretary to the Ogun State Government, Mr. Tokunbo Talabi.”

“Drawing upon my extensive 15-year career as a consummate journalist, I vehemently reject any insinuation of propagating falsehood.”

“To elucidate, I received an exclusive lead regarding Talabi’s interrogation at the DSS headquarters. Being a dedicated fact-checker, I diligently attempted to contact Mr. Talabi, seeking his perspective. Despite deploying text messages and repeated calls, my attempts were wilfully ignored.”

“With scrupulous professionalism, I compiled, transmitted, and subsequently published the story.”

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“Aroused by the revelatory exposé, government representatives retaliated vehemently, launching an unwarranted assault against my character.”

“My deliberate silence was not a sign of weakness; it stemmed from my discernment of the government’s vitriolic response to a true story. I acknowledge the might of the government, but I am resolute in my conviction that veracity must be upheld.”

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“To dispel any misgivings, I reiterate that I am unyieldingly committed to upholding journalistic integrity and accuracy. The affiliation with The Punch was informal, not a binding commitment. In an inexplicable move, the association was severed, devoid of any justifiable cause.”

“Addressing the orchestrators of the defamatory campaign against me, I am well aware of your motives. To you, I convey my unwavering stance as a principled journalist with an unwavering conscience. The dawn of tomorrow holds promise, as I remain unapologetic for conscientiously executing my duties. My only ‘offense’ lies in steadfastly fulfilling my journalistic obligations.”

“A perusal of my track record bears testament to my unswerving commitment to my craft. Journalists, by design, amplify the voice of the marginalized. If this becomes an affront to the establishment, I defer the final judgment to a highest authority.”

“Yet, I stand unflinchingly as a consummate journalist, unwavering in my pursuit of the truth, a legacy I shall uphold until the end of my days.”

“I extend my profound gratitude to all who have extended their support. My resolute presence as truth will prevail and God will remain God.”

Daud Olatunji.

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