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Don’t Buy Cows And Food Items From The North: IPOB Directed?




BY ABBATI BAKO,psc,bsis, Kent/UK Political Analyst

The 6th January 2021 Riot After The 2020 Elections In America Seems To Be “Not Be Forgotten In Advanced.”

Democratic America.

But Former President Donald Trump’s Government And Supporters Are Struggling To Depend Themselves On The Riot That Took Place In Capitol Hill On That Date.

Hence, The Current American President Joe Biden And Stakeholders Argues That Former President Trump And His Team Must Tell Justice Why They Want Truncate The 245 Year’s Hard Earned Democracy In America?

The Same Thing Here In Nigeria That President Buhari Is Right As He Cleared The Air This Week That The IPOB Leader Kanu Has To Depend Him Self Before Justice; Not To Be Allowed To Go Free. The 23 Years Hard Earned Democracy In Nigeria Must Be Protected.

The Dangers and Conventionally Possible Negative Outcome Associated With The Perturbation Or Agitation By The Very Few Igbo Citizens Possibly For Political Reasons Or War Drum Beating In The S/East Of Nigeria Is Hugely None-Quantifiable. The Question That Need to be Asked By Any Right Thinking Nigerian Is: Does The Agitation Is For Political Reason Or War Provocative Tendency?

This Writing View That The Movement Is Lamenting, Regrettable, Unfortunate, Annoying, Dismaying And Uncalled For. Those People That Are Calling For War Or Separation From Federal Republic Of Nigeria Must Be An Ignorant Of The Level Of How Fast This World Moves Towards The Scientific And Technological Advancement Before The End Of The 21st Century. The World Of Today Is Not The World Of 1960 Or 1970th. The Global Politics, Economy, Social And Scientific/Technological Development (All) Are Unlike The Past Sixty Years. This Means That The World Is More United Based On Globalization Policy Than The Past Sixty Years.

The World Seems To Be Moving Very Past To Next Level Of Global Scientific And Technological Development. The New World Of Electronic Cars, Robotic, DNA Editing, Going For Vocation To Other Planets And Many More Global Policies On The Development Of Human Families. Remember The World Changes Every 20 Years So Said By Experts (George Friedman).

This Writing Means That The Globalization Policy Which Consists Three Elements Principles That’s Global Economic Integration, Democratization And Multiculturalism, Dynamically Has Change The World.

The World Has Change Compare To 19th And 20th Century. Experts Asserted That In The Last 350 Years The Global Population Were Only 750 Million. And Again, By 1970 The Population Reached About 3 Billion And By 2012 The Global Population Has Reached 7 Billion And Now 2019 7.7B.

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So, Nigeria Is Among The Top 10 Populous Nations In The World. Nigeria Is Currently 2 And A Half% Of Global Population (USA is 4%) And Among The Top 10th Or 20th Huge Market In The World. And Again, One Of the Most Resourceful Nation (richdom) On The Planet Earth. And Again Among The Ten Oil Producing Nations In The World.

In The Last 500 Years, The British (As Global Colonial Masters) Designed And Named Nations And Continents. But In The Past Decades, They Unified What They (Now) Called European Nations Or EU. They Consists Of 28 Nations, 500 Million Population With About 25% Of Global Economy And 1.5m Universities And Huge Scientific And Technological Development.

This Is An Indication That The Globalization Policy Will Further Change The World To Be There Nations Without Boundaries And Democratic Contests Without Political Parties For Democratic, Economic And Multiculturalism Advantages. By 2030 The People Of This Global Earth Will See Wonders And Unimaginable Scientific And Technological Development.

For Example, The Creation Of West African Nations To Act As ECOWAS That Can Lead To Unification Of 16 Nations Sharing The Same Currency, Bank, Courts, Parliament And Big-Big Markets For Economic Viability. So, This Writing Is Certain That The Global And Internal Stakeholders Will Never Allow Nigeria To Disintegrate. We Should Remember Nigeria Has Both Internal And External Stakeholders (Friends And Investors) That They Will Never Risk Their Huge Investments In Various Sectors.

The Very Few That Are Agitating For Separation From Nigerian Federation Are The Kind Of People That Was Described By The Late Nigerian President Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe As “Empty-Headed Megaphones”. This Means That They Are Vision-less, Senseless, Silly, Featherbrained And Scatterbrained That Can’t See Anything Beyond Their Nose.

The Sudan And S/Sudan Is Another Exemplary Lesson To Be Learned By The Agitators Of Biafran Nation. Before The Year 2012 Sudan Was The Largest Nation In Terms Of Land Mass In Africa And 4 Times Larger Than Nigeria. But The People From South Sudan Agitated For Separation From Sudan (the S/Sudan People are predominantly Christians) And That Was What Resulted To War And The Death Of Hundred Of Thousand Of People In The Now Independent S/Sudan. And Still One Of The War Zone In The World.

And The Rational Behind The Agitation Of The People Of S/Sudan Was The Discovery Of Oil In The Area. The Poor Leaders And People Of S/Sudan Thought That If They Separated From Sudan Nation They Will Have Economic Freedom And Their Nation Will Be Richdom And Turned To Be Like Texas, Dubai, Qatar, S/Arabia, Bahrain Or Brunei.

Unfortunately For The People Of S/Sudan; The Separation Had Landed Them Into Civil War And Suffering. And Even The AU, UN And EU Failed To Reconcile Between The Current President And His Vice. Therefore, Despite The Rich Oil Area In S/Sudan They Never Attain Peace Since Separation From Sudan In 2012.

Conclusively, This Writing Warn The Few Igbo Agitators To Think Twice And Learn A Lesson From The People Of S/Sudan. And Again, They Must Consult With Their Elders That Witnessed The Nigerian Civil War Between January 1967 To June 1970. They Should Know That Millions Of People Perished And Properties Worth Millions Of Dollars Destroyed. Another Lesson To Learn Is That The Minority Tribes In The Oil Rich Niger Delta Areas Will Never-Never Trust And Accept Them And Join Their Federation From Nigerian Federation.

And Again, If It Is For The Gains And Benefits /Manipulation For Oil That The Biafran People Will Like To Separate From Nigeria; They Should Take Note That Oil Is (Now) No More A “Black Gold” In Global Market. The Era Of Black Gold Seems To Be Coming To An End In Global Economic Interplay.

The Dependency On Oil Revenues Is No More Reliable In The World Economy (The IMF Says That Even S/Arabia Will Be In Economic Aridity In Next Years To Come Due To Global Oil Glut And Saudi Arabia Are Making Efforts To Change Their Nation To Global Companionship).


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The US Nation Has Been The Largest Buyer/Consumer Of Oil In The World. And They Are The Largest Buyers Of Nigeria’s Oil For Decades And (now) There Is Constant Oil Glut In The Oil Market. So, The Economic Dependency On Oil Is No More Something Viable And Reliable. The USA Consume About 40 Million Barrels In Every 24 Hours.They Purchases 3% Only From Africa, Drills 60% Within Their Nation, 18% From S/Arabia/Iran/Iraq And The Rest From Canada, Brazil, Mexico And Other Latin American Nations.

Oil Is No More A “Black Gold” Because The Oil’s Contributions To Global Economy Will Be Less Than $4 Trillion A Year In Next Years To Come. Political Economic Experts Around The World Affirmed That “Trade And Services Account To 90% Of Global Economy”. And Compared To Less Than 5% As Oil Do (Oils Is Just A Wheels In Global Economic Interplay).

And Take Note That Oils And Gas Is (Now) Commonly Found In All Most Every Developing Nations, Niger, Chad, Cameron And (Even) Bauchi, Taraba, Gongola Areas And Bida River Basin In Northern Nigeria.

Conclusively, Igbo Must Take Note That Their Region Is Landlocked Like Northern Nigeria And Their Needs Depends Largely From Other Regions Too. So This Writing View That To Be In United Nigeria Is Far More Advantage Than Calling For Separation. Germany, UK’s Recent BREXIT Is An Excellent Example To Learn That The UK’s Elites Realises The Fact That Separation From The EU Will Lead Their Nation Into Economic Aridity And Now Thinking Twice Before Separation From EU (Ref: Letter On The Issue To Me From My VC’s University Of Kent, UK In 2018 For Rethinking From The UK’s Elites On The Exit From EU And The Issue Is Now Stagnant For 3 Years After Refurumdom).

Can You Remember? The Cambodians Fought (Within) For About 50Years But They Are Now United. Unity Is Everything! Germany Separated After Second WW Two But Reunited Eastern And Western About 30 Years A Go. Igbos A Known Very Hardworking, Innovative And Not Afraid Of Storm In Life. But Why Will You Allow Very Few Of You Beating The Drum Of War Or Separation? Take Note That War Never Won In The Battlefields Maybe Via Negotiations And Mediation After Millions Perished. Will The Igbo People Abandon Trade And Services For The Assumption Of Oil’s Benefits In Their Regions? This Writing Doubt Very Much. May God Save Nigeria And Nigeria’s Image And Glory Among The Comity Of Nations.

Editorial Discretion:

This article was written by Abbati Bako,MA,psc,UK, And International Political Strategist/Communication Expert, IPRC, Nigeria and Special Adviser to the Governor of Kano State on Public Affairs, and culled from his Facebook timeline. The views expressed therein are entirely of the writer and not Eaglesforesight Echo.

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