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Controversies Between Sagamu Council Chairman, Ogbeni Afo And Self Acclaimed Group On Peaceful Coexistence



Sagamu may not have totally be a failed state, but the symptoms of failure stare everyone in the face every three months in the community. Lawlessness and criminality, these might not have helped whereby mass poverty and unemployment, seem to have become the order of the day in all regions of the State in Ogun.

While it will be opportunistic and dishonest to single out a particular group or ideology for our unpalatable situation, there is hardly anything that threatens the unity and peace of Ogun State, most especially in Sagamu, than the lawlessness and criminality easily attributed to so-called confraternity groups.

The aggrieved self acclaimed groups that comprises of all past leaders of each confraternity groups named “Sagamu Peace Agenda Forum” (SPAF), has always been in the warfronts to resilently curb so many unpeaceful acts in the community. They as well oversees other neighbouring towns from the three Local Government areas in Remo axis.

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The organization headed by Otunba Kayode Howells, has registered their displeasures over the silent of the government on their primary responsibilities with the believe that, Ogbeni Afo, Sagamu Local Government chairman owes the Community, through the organization some explanations.

However, the said group, Organization For Community Peace Reconciliation (OCPR) has frowns at the unacceptable silence of the chairman on issues affecting the peace, security of life and properties in Sagamu.

“We are reaching out to all political appointees and the elected officials to henceforth consider all and sundry matters, that’s concerning the well-being of our beloved Sagamu Communities, as it’s their responsibilities to arrest such, even though we knew they don’t like our faces as an organization”, the organization chairman quoted.

“We rest our case for now while watching closely to their positive reactions”, says the group head.

Below reads in full statement released by the council media head and signed by the Mr Chairman, in response to the aggrieved self acclaimed groups: RE: OCPR FROWNS AT THE UNACCEPTABLE SILENCE…

Our attention has been brought to the above press statement from one self acclaimed organisation that has over the years been parading themselves as promoters of peace in Sagamu with self coined name Sagamu Peace Agenda Forum.

In as much as we recognise the rights of every Nigerians to freedom of lawful gathering and associations as enshrined in the 1999 constitution as amended under rights and privileges of citizens, it is unconstitutional for any organisation to blackmail or demand for compulsory recognition from any tier of government.

The issue raised in the press statement in reference borders on security which is the primary objective of the government, and it is a mockery of our security architecture to now be discussing or planning the modus operandi of such delicate issue with a organisation that cannot in all honesty be absorbed of the root cause of this protracted security challenge that we are faced with.

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It is important to remind the general public that this same organisation had at a time issued a press statement, where it was emphatically stated that OCPR has withdrawn her interference from any cult related crisis in Sagamu. A decision they arrived at their own volition, and made public. This alone has disqualified the body from further engagement on quenching the fire that was out of exuberance put up and fuelled by same OCPR.

The good people of Sagamu should keep supporting the government with not only prayers but useful information that will assist our security agents in the ongoing efforts, aimed at bringing a lasting solution to this menace. Our Administration and our revered Traditional Institution will not settle for any momentary peace that has failed Sagamu in the past and we would not engage the enablers of crimes even though they appear remorseful.

Shun Cultism

Say No To Violence

Report Any Suspicious Gathering To The Police.

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