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CCC Update

CCC UK Diocese Warms Up For E.M.F’s Arrival, Release Pastoral Itinerary



The United Kingdom Diocese of the Celestial Church of Christ, CCC Worldwide, under the able leadership of Most Superior Evangelist Amos Olabode Fatusin, is set to receive the Pastor and Spiritual Head of the Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide, His Eminence, Reverend Emmanuel Mobiyina Oshoffa, as he continues his 2023 Pastoral Tour of Europe, UK, USA and Canada.

The Global Head of the world’s largest white garment church is expected to arrive the United Kingdom in the first week of September, 2023. In anticipation, the U.K. Diocese, C.C.C.

Related News:

Worldwide, has released an itinerary of the visit as follows:

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