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Africa Will Remain Underdeveloped If Her Sources Of Intelligence Are Controlled By Foreign Intelligence Agencies.-By Maishanu.



Africa Will Remain Underdeveloped If Her Sources Of Intelligence Are Controlled By Foreign Intelligence Agencies.-By Maishanu. 

Because foreign security services are mainly concerned with potential sabotage of African state of intelligence agencies. Including terrorist network and terror activities and security matters having a strong political flavour. Another major issue is the control of African security agencies by the so-called major security agencies in the world. 

However, African Countries need to develop her intelligence agencies because intelligence when used in government operation is considered to evaluate information concerning such thing as strength activities and probably causes of action of other nations which are usually but necessarily opponent. The goal of every intelligence service is to produce report consisting of evaluated information that can be given to leaders to help them in their decision making. 

There are three main steps to produce such report: 

1. A Decision on what to obtain.

2. Gathering or collection of the information. 

3. Evaluation and  or analysing the information. 

1. A Decision on what to obtain: The first step deciding what information to gather and present to many possibilities, political intelligence the most desired information is perhaps the most least tangible because correct analysis of the political situation of a country can be very difficult. Political intelligence include everything from the information of party’s ideological rivalries, a detailed biography of all keys and even subordinate figures.The next intelligence concern military and technological information, this is known as hard intelligence because it is readily quantifiable and easily verified. It is hard because it can be counted for example the numbers of troops in a given a country can be easily understood unlike soft intelligence e.g who will form the next government after President Muhammadu Buhari. 

2. Gathering or collecting of the information: The gathering of intelligence may take many methods, most intelligence information comes from open public views, media, satellites, the disciplinering of secret transmission and agents in foreign countries. 

3. Evaluation or Analysing the information: Evaluation involve steps that are taken in assessing the information so gathered with the view of discarding those information that are not valuable and focusing on the useful information. 

 Counter-intelligence in Nigeria and Africa is owned and controlled by foreign intelligence agencies. Counter-intellingence means the use of information and strategies in order to preserve the intelligent situation of a country. Most intelligent agencies often have counter-intellingence as the major component (of security). This is because counter-intellingence primarily involve in gathering information or the reduction of the effect of lack of intelligence every country that needs to attain optima security need must take counter-intelligence very seriously, this is because for an intelligence information to be useful its good to be highly confidential. Hence, the concept of counter-intellingence refers to all techniques and analysis that are being put in place in order to protect its information. Example of counter-intelligence include the use of secret codes while using information from the above. The concept of intelligence is not new,it has been in use from ancient times. The knowledge of an enemy’s intention has always being important in the defense and protection of a country, state, community or an individual. This is because intelligence play an important role in the leadership, administration, security and management of the country and in the propagation of ideology, maintenance of internal security. 

1. It helps in administration of a state, local, regional, country, continent and world. 

2. It facilitates security planning.

3. It enhances intra and inter state relation. 

4. It ensures the existence of peace around the world. 

5. It enriches people confidence and gives them a sense of moral worth.

6. It helps in the administration of the state, local and country. The governance of any country requires an intelligence information from virtually every aspect of life, since it is through this intelligence information that a leader knows his or her capability or otherwise of agencies, commissions, political parties and institutions that are under him or her for example it will be fruitless to plan and execute policies and procedures without a prior knowledge or intelligence on the nature, setting, capabilities and incapabilities of a Nation, state, local government or non-governmental organizations. 

1. It facilitate security planning: The planning of security involve the arrangement for protecting the entire inhabitants of a Nation, local and state. Such planning will not augor will well without having a good or an evaluated knowledge or information about the security condition of a state or Nation. It is in this view that most government have national intelligence agencies or national security advisers.

2. It enhances intra and inter state relation: Intra or inter state relation simply means a relationship within or between nations, this relationship is determined by the kind of intelligence or information at hand, intra state relation means an interaction between the country, state, Local and community within the country and therefore having a good knowledge of the society. Therefore, it increases the peaceful co-existence between the people. In a simpler manner, countries do relate on the basis of shared information or from the best of an evaluated knowledge of each other.

3. It ensures the existence of peace around the world: For peace to reign across the globe. Countries or nations must depend on intelligence because it is through this intelligence that the regional or global security intelligence that they find out which country are trade to global and effort are made to conquer or sudue recalcitrate State.The major intelligence service of the world is assurance of existence of a peace around the world. But this aim is globally absence in the scene of  African intelligence gathering and crime detections. Hence, there is the need for African countries to get rid of the so-called major  security and intelligence agencies in the world such as CIA, BIA, KGB, FBI, MOSSAB etc, etc; etc. 

GPAN National Director Of Security and Intelligence, Federal Republic of Nigeria.


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