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Video shows Tire Nichols being brutally beaten by US police in Memphis, Tennessee



Authorities released video footage Friday showing Tire Nichols being beaten by five Memphis, Tennessee, police officers who detained the black motorist in early January and beat him repeatedly with their fists, boots and batons as he screamed for his mother .

The video is filled with violent moments that show the officers, who are also black, chasing and beating Nichols, leaving him on the sidewalk against a patrol car as they clench their fists and celebrate their actions.

The footage came out a day after the officers were charged with second-degree murder in Nichols’ death. The chilling footage of another black man killed at the hands of police reignited troubling questions about how fatal encounters with law enforcement continue even after repeated calls for change.

Demonstrators gathered for mostly peaceful demonstrations in multiple cities, including Memphis, where several dozen protesters blocked the Interstate 55 bridge that carries traffic across the Mississippi River into Arkansas.

In Washington, dozens of protesters gathered in Lafayette Park, across the street from the White House and near the Black Lives Matter Plaza.

The footage shows police savagely beating the 29-year-old FedEx employee for three minutes as he yelled abuse at him during the attack.

Watch the video above for the full report.


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